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Plan for the #HAMFAMJAM April 15th, 2018

Yep, you heard right! GoHAM Radio is hosting their FIRST EVER semi-annual San Diego artist showcase featuring all local artists, entrepreneurs, designers, musicians, authors, and more!

The #HAMFAMJAM will go down on Sunday April 15th, 2018 from 10am until 6pm at the new Civita Park in Mission Valley!

The park has all the amenities to host a great family day in the park! From foot-activated water fountains, to a doggie park, including basketball half courts, tennis tables, gender-neutral and family restrooms along with grills for cooking and lots of seating; both on benches and the grass!!

So plan to take the family out for a local day of celebration! The entire event is FREE!!

PLUS, GoHAM Radio will be giving away gift bags with water bottles, t-shirts, dad hats, sunglasses and lots more, including a $1 raffle for concert tickets, hotel stays and gift cards!!

Don't miss out on this event!! All all your friends!!! See you there!!


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